Queer Femme

Woman by Ana

What does it mean to have a body, that juxtapositions myriad varieties of femme expressions? The various connections with ancestral grandmother-lines affirm the endless diversity of “Her”. It affirms that there is absolutely no “female” norm.

One of my grandmother’s lines, the very first one that I contacted, is feminine presenting, masculine of center. She is proudly a She, a Goddess worshiper, a beauty lover, a Kite, a high achiever, loves to perform. Another grandmother line is dark, hides in the mysteries of the universe, reveres the cosmic Vulva, has much respect for the primordial chaos, and protects me from psychic harm. Another grandmother line is literally the ocean water. When I meet her, she swallows me in her waters, and nothing else than water-presence remains. Yet another one is a lightning being, one of high-charged cosmic energy. They are fierce, have no interest whatsoever in their presentation as a form. In fact, they enjoy formlessness and the speed of light. Even the idea of gender and sex makes them angry. They don’t like labyrinths. Cut the crap, they’ll say, when I’m confused with something. Just cut the crap, go straight to the point, ptsuapsshhh, lightning bolt.

As I’ll go on with exploring more and more lines, I’ll be facing more and more unique expressions, mirroring the diversity of expression housing in the world. What does that mean for someone inside one body? Hi, variety of being and form that houses in me, how confusing you are! Good to have grandmas. The relationships with them enable a smoother friendship between my psyche, that permanently searches for identity, and the truth of being, that of non-and-many-identity.

Enjoy your queerness, dear ones,

Enjoy the exploration of your endless being,

Love <3

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