Traveler’s Heart

Tiveden Nationalpark

My traveler’s heart is filled with joy when I move through new lands with my tent. The earth invites me on its soft and soulful grasses for a lulling night’s sleep, and the rains allow me to travel even slower. As I am on my road in the Swedish forests, with no internet and no electricity, and have found a surprising stop at a coffee shop, this post shall be a quick hello from me and my ancestors.

Right now I am in Tivedstorp, an idyllic and peaceful place in the magical forest landscapes of Tiveden – a realm of trolls and fairies. Here, in Tivedstorp, is a sweet guesthouse, that runs a coffee house – as the Swedish call Kaffestugan – with internet. So, before I continue on my wild path, I thought I seize the opportunity and say hello to you.

It’s raining today. Thunder, lightning, and storm are predicted. My tent is hidden behind pine hills. The road so far has been adventurous, exciting, a bit scary, unpredictable, wild, soothing, and loving altogether. It is cold at nights, and wet at dawn when the morning dew greets. Sometimes I’m far off town trails and carry one week’s lasting food on my back. The discomfort of cold, wetness, uncertainty, and nature’s quirky humor are a source of moisturizing freshness for my soul. I’m grateful to the heavens and to the earth for the freedom that has been granted to me as a human.

There is freedom. There is always the opportunity for freedom. If we are willing to respond to it and follow our path, whether it is in the forests, in the cities, in the wetness, in the dryness, on the lands, or in the waters, we nourish our soul’s desire for growth. All of our very own paths will look very different, of course. Walking that very specific path that is for YOU, that is filling your heart with joy and excitement, is the biggest gift that you can bring to the world.

Dear ones, enjoy your lives,

Follow your path,

Follow your calling,



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