Letting go of the old

Six of Swords by Kevin Jay Stanton

Why is it so hard to leave the old behind, even when we know, that we are leaving for the better? Even when we know that the path that’s calling us, is the one that we’ve been praying for all along. At last, the prayers have been heard, and here it is, just around the corner, now it is time to embark on it and step beyond that corner, knowing that the path behind will vanish just like sand hills in a wind.

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Take some rest

Legs up by Ana

Let’s put our legs up for a while. We all need some good rest in these times of upheaval. But how do we rest? I don’t know. I’m not the best at that lately.

What I do know is, that I won’t rest until I follow my calling. Child, the calling never ends, take some rest. My one grandma says – the one of the ocean waters. The other grandma – the one of lightning – tells me, rest? Who has time for rest? Full speed ahead!

So, who to listen to?

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