Grief of the newborn

Baby’s birth

Let’s talk about the newborn’s grief. We are collectively going through major shifts, having left one big chapter behind us, and started a new one. All the desires and dreams, that lit in our chests in the later years, are ready to take form. Now, as the New has finally arrived, the shapes of our desires have space for their next stage, space to get embodied.

Change comes in waves, sure. But there are moments when the realization that the change has truly come, that we have passed the threshold for sure, is fiercely obvious, at once. We’ve made it. It seemed as if the nine months of gestation would never end. But here we are. A quiver of relief washes over the body, and then a cry follows. The tears won’t end, the mouth is widely open, wrinkles encircle the face. Like a newborn baby at its first cry.

That’s called a newborn’s grief. The first cry is so much more than the mere discomfort of the stranger environment with its new laws of physics and the pull of gravitation. Finally, having arrived at the destination point means that what was before has truly ended. It is not a sad cry though, it is a cry of relief. All that concentrated effort that was needed for the straining passage that led to this point can be released now.

It is a happy grief and a sad grief. It is sad, as we grieve the loss. The loss of a place, a connection, a state of being. It is happy, as we cry out of gratefulness, for this moment to have arrived. The air of the new world can infiltrate the corners of the newborn body.

Let’s pause for a moment. Let’s pause before we get to planning for the new road. Let’s pause and acknowledge the fresh air, the colors of the flowers, the buzzing of the bees, the rays of the sun, the shine of the silver, and the humming of the world synthesizing with our desires.

Congrats, dear ones,

Enjoy your new lives,



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