What I LOVE about the Relationship with the Ancestors

Call by Ana

It is mean to say what I love the most about the relationship with the ancestors, considering the very many blessings of these relationships. But let me bring here, for today, my nerdy love for stories and my admiration for the infinite diversity of perspective, that houses in the universe.

The Ancestors are Richly Diverse

When you embark on the ancestral healing path and get to know each of the lines, you recognize that each one of them is uniquely tied into the mysteries of life. Each of the lines is distinctly diverse in its connection to the universe and to the divine. Through our relationships with them, we experience the universe through various lenses. I love that. It reminds me of the fluidity of nature and the infinite richness of the world.

The Ancestors anchor us

The great thing is that the relationships with the ancestors are also humbling and grounding. As you have palpable and distinct lines with whom you connect, you don’t get lost by the infinite potentiality of being. As someone with lots of water in my constitution, I hold an appreciation for wise limitations. They help me to not drown in the everythingness/ nothingness, but enable me to inquire a specific quality of being in depth, once at a time.

What a gold mine for storytellers and shape-shifters!

All the lines I connected with so far, tell their way of perceiving the world in their uniquely shaped ways. And every time, I fall in love with life over and over again in a new way. Once I’m invited to fly with my Kite grandmother, then I’m resourced through the sap of the trees by my grandfathers, yet another time my lightning grandma bursts out in rage about their progeny and tells me about the line’s descending story.

Magic is not limited

Every time I work with other people on their lines, I learn about different originating stories and about all the myriad ways how they connect to the universe – their affinity spirits, the elements, the plants, the animals, and the deities. When I witness that, I recognize a sigh of relief in my chest. Being reminded of the many faces of god.

Enjoy your ancestral ties, dear ones!


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