Viva La Vida, Belly Aches, and the Need for Love

Viva La Vida by Frida Kahlo

Frida has been with me lately. Wherever I go, she welcomes me. As a book of her letters to Diego Rivera, as a kitchen towel with her self-portrait print, as a key pendant with her eyebrows, as her watermelon painting hung on the kitchen wall of my friend’s apartment, as a picture on a pedestrian’s cotton bag, as a print on the mug behind a store’s vitrage, and now also on my Couchsurfing host’s fridge magnet in Batumi. She is everywhere. She is there for me. She stepped forward as an answer to my call for friendship with the Goddess Ishtar.

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Some Capitalism in our Soft Tissues?

Photo still from “The Holy Mountain”

It’s interesting how deeply the structures we grew up in get entrenched in our bodies and psyche. As a 90ies child, raised in Vienna, I can see how the supermarket culture and the fetish of consumption left a complex and confusing mark on my consciousness. My parents, Georgians, and ex-Sovjet citizens were trapped and betrayed by their government, like so many in the totalitarian socialist regime. Their longing for freedom grew through the decades-long of authoritarian oppression and restriction of people’s free will. They left the Sovjet with the hope for a better life. Capitalism was waiting with open arms. It offered individualism and sold it as freedom.

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About Impatience


Patience is not my strongest suit. And how honorable of me to become judgy with others when they are impatient. I recognize the jugdemental thoughts in my mind – the impatience with the impatience – about others who are impatient, like the sweet, jolly dog Gaia, the children of the place where I am staying at, and with my body when it urges needs… Because impatience is silly, right? You cannot push anything to become faster when time is needed. How logical of me.

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Rocks And Rivers – Meeting Life, Over And Over Again

Picture by Alex Rodriguez

Happy new year, 2023! We have ventured into yet another year. Life charges ahead. Seasons will change, life will change, new will come, and old will go. Exciting, new things, await us, and hope moves us forward. Then life will come and jar some of the expectations, as it so often does. But then it will bring other unexpected gifts, that now are out of our sight. Things will go, and things will come. Life never fails to flow. Through our mere existence, we are learning to meet life, over and over again.

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The Fool And the Hanged Man – Both The Same Thing

Rider-Waite Tarot. The Fool card.
Rider-Waite Tarot. The Hanged Man card.

Let’s talk today about the principle of play. What does it mean to play with life, and how do we do that? As the Dutch cultural theorist Johan Huizinga suggested, play is by no means a facile undertaking. Quite the contrary. Remember when children are playing. They have fun and are super serious at the same time. They draw the game with great gravitas into their present physical reality. There are two cards in the Tarot that have an interesting relationship to the principle of play and to each other. Some read the fool and the hanged man as one and the same figure, though, depicted in two different moments in life. When we look at the iconography of the Rider-Waite Tarot and the Tarot de Marseille, we see that their physiques indeed look similar to each other. But one is depicted as a jolly person embarking enthusiastically and recklessly on their new journey, whilst the other one is presented as a human hung with one leg on a tree, with tied hands, unable to unhook himself.

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Guilt and the Freedom of Forgiveness

Poppy Field

As with any emotion, guilt, is information, pointing us to an issue we need to become aware of. It’s an insight that helps us to see our wrongdoing and enables making amends. Sometimes, though, the feeling of guilt is not so easily trackable to its causation. In some cases, it may also seem irrationally disproportional to the reason that caused us to feel that way.

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Grief of the newborn

Baby’s birth

Let’s talk about the newborn’s grief. We are collectively going through major shifts, having left one big chapter behind us, and started a new one. All the desires and dreams, that lit in our chests in the later years, are ready to take form. Now, as the New has finally arrived, the shapes of our desires have space for their next stage, space to get embodied.

Change comes in waves, sure. But there are moments when the realization that the change has truly come, that we have passed the threshold for sure, is fiercely obvious, at once. We’ve made it. It seemed as if the nine months of gestation would never end. But here we are. A quiver of relief washes over the body, and then a cry follows. The tears won’t end, the mouth is widely open, wrinkles encircle the face. Like a newborn baby at its first cry.

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Reaching the Rainbow? Rainbows and Dreams

Rainbow in the Sky

Dreams are my favorite thing in life. I reach my arms far out to touch them. Just like, when I see a rainbow in a wet landscape after the sun kissed rain. My immediate reaction is to touch it. If I’m in a car, I always ask, can you please ride through it? Let’s ride through the rainbow’s portal! But it seems to stay on the horizon. Further away from my arm’s length.

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Pluto. Oh, no! Not that again.

Pluto. Photo by NASA

Oh no, it’s that time again. A highlighted Pluto phase, activated by the celestial movements in the heavens. On our recent eclipsing new moon, on the 30 April, Pluto was stationary, getting ready to turn retrograde. In my natal chart, the new moon placement additionally hit an exact opposition to my natal Pluto. Nooo! Drowning noises. This post will be a bit time-bound, and astrological. For those of you, who do experience Plutonian stuff in your lives overall, it still may be of interest.

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