Winter, Time for Deep Rest?

It’s the winter season for us Northern Hemispherians. The times call for slowing down, retreating, and resting. Short days, long nights, and cold, wet, and gray weather invite us for deep rest. The darkness is ready to embrace us if we are ready, so we can prepare for the spurting of new life further to come.

It is not so easy to rest, though, is it? At least for those of us who are born, raised, and possibly continue to live in cities. The pace of our structures, environments, and habits don’t really support a lifestyle attuned to seasonal rhythms.

It’s Hard to Rest

It’s not so easy to rest when the blood pumps into the head, bubbling new ideas ready to be planned. The body is tired though, slowing down, resisting to keep pace with the heady fire bolts. At least, that’s for me the case. I’m here in the forest again, in the Netherlands, the dear, in slumber fallen oak forest. The trees, the plants, and the animals turned inwards and sleep.

I’m reminded of my childhood self, wanting to play when my parents sleep. I’m not tired, Mom. Big yawn. I’m not tired at all. Half falling asleep. If it was up to me, I’d continue running around, reading, writing, creating, and talking to the tree friends. But I know, I’m wearing myself thin, when I go against my body’s limit. Then, my creations start to lack depth. Resting, surrendering, dying, really, is necessary for being truly in touch with life. Without that, my writings and songs and whatever creations are not alive. Life calls for death and death calls for life, right? Cycles and Rhythm. The rhythms of life.

Cave time and Surrender

That means surrendering to the discomfort, the reverberations of the city’s restlessness that orchestrated a death metal opera in my body cells. Not comfortable. And hello blood cells, hello heart, hello deep well inside of me. Good to see you again.

It’s dark in those times, and we can’t see forth. So it is within. Calling to yield to the inner depths.

God calls us in.

Enjoy the darkness, dear ones,


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